PhD and Postdoc positions are open!
We are seeking for highly motivated postdoctoral researchers with a background in molecular biology, epigenetic research, molecular drivers of disease, 3D genome architecture and/or epigenomics. PhD students with a particular interest in our research are also encouraged to apply. If you would like to join our lab, please send your CV and a statement of your research interests to: loreaguilararnal@iibiomedicas.unam.mx
Lab B040
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
04510 Mexico City, México
Lorena Aguilar Arnal, PhD
Principal Investigator
+52 (1) 5556228938
Marcia Bustamante Zepeda, MSc
Lab Manager
+52 (1) 5556229250 ext.46812